December 15, 2021

Skills Catalogue

 Write down your skills. This list will harden your resolve, build your confidence as it reminds you of your value, worth and contributions. 

Exercise: Skills Catalogue

Skills catalogue in ten steps

Take a pad of paper. List your skills in the ten steps below. Make sure you write down skills (for example, organizing, planning, negotiating), not aspects of personality (for example, enthusiastic, reliable, calm).

  1. Think of the most enjoyable job you have ever done. What skills were you using most of the time?
  2. Remember projects which you found a stimulating challenge. What skills were you using?
  3. Imagine it's Sunday night and you are looking forward to activities and projects in the week ahead. What skills do you see yourself using?
  4. Think about a time when you surprised yourself by doing something you didn't know you were capable of doing. What was the skill you were engaging?
  5. Imagine you're having a brilliant day at work. If someone was following you round with a video camera, what would the record- ing show you doing in terms of activity?
  6. Think about times when you have received praise for your work performance. What skills were mentioned?
  7. Remember a time when you went out of your way to help some- one or solve a problem. Again, what skills did you use?
  8. Write down any other skills you are good at and you enjoy using.
  9. Look at all the skills you have recorded in steps 1-8. If you could choose only one skill from this list, which skill energizes you most?
  10. Finally, think about a day at work when you were entirely absorbed in what you were doing, time passed quickly, and you went home feeling a 'buzz'. Find someone to talk to about that day, and ask them to make a list, while you are talking of all the skills you were using. Add any new skills to your list.

How to Get a Job You Love, page.82-83

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