Time management
- Block out obligations.
- Assign hour-long blocks to specific projects.
- Set aside at least one block for slack and emergencies.
- When knocked off your schedule, re-organize your blocks.
- Time blocking is more effective than daily todo lists.
When to quit
Define "Productive" as efficiently accomplishable and in a reasonable amount of time.
If you're sure you won't be able to solve it without outside/extra information/help,
or if you can't specify a time frame within which you will be able to solve it,
or if you've put in a long time but you are still unable to finish it off,
then, you should give up.
- Quiz and Recall : Make yourself recall specific information.
- While reviewing or reading, jot down your recall questions.
- Then, quiz.
- Then, articulate with emotions, using multi-senses etc.