September 1, 2021

Candopi Programming 101 : What's in it for you?

Candopi Programming101 


You can become a software billionaire, a great data scientist or anything in between.

You become ready to explore more, master more.

  1. As you can see in my own examples (Java, C++, Python, Ruby in the folders : /7_data_structures_and_algorithms/sorts_python and /7_data_structures_and_algorithms/quick_sort_python), JavaScript you learn here is very close to any other language: Java, C++, Python, PHP, Ruby or any other.
  2. Moving to Web development, Mobile development, app development, blockchain development etc, too is smooth and easy.
  3. Moving to AI, Machine Learning, Data Science etc, too is smooth and easy. (But you need a bit of math, at least A-level, or US high school level.) e.g. Neural networks, Convolutional networks (CNN), RNN, Capsule networks, One-Shot, Few-Shots etc are also made up of "while" and "for" loops you learn here.


  1. The course is very easy, even for primary school students.
  2. You don't need any experience.
  3. You do zero installation.
  4. The course takes just 20 to 40 hours. And zero fees.


  1. Say this mantra 3 times: "I'm alright. This person cannot teach. I will find a better teacher, a better book."
    As the great George Polya says, emotions is a big part of math teaching. Or any STEM teaching in general. Blame us. Don't blame yourself. Do you think we are Gods who can never err?
  2. Better still, tell us. We can, we will change this a million times for our students' sake. Try us.

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