February 6, 2013

Product Development : Designer Speak, Definitely Absolutely Seriously

I have been learning to think, work and communicate like a product guy/gal.
I read this article in the print version "Dave Morin Explains It All," Fortune September 24, 2012. Online version is at "Dave Morin Explains It All"
Now, here are some quotes, only one of which was actually uttered by the great Dave Morin. (First, he worked in Apple's marketing, then he worked at Facebook where he invented Facebook Connect and Facebook Platform, and now he's running Path), and the rest are made up by me.

Can you tell the authentic from the fake, the profound from the pseudo-profound?
  1. "With life, mobile has become the platform
  2. "With platform, mobile has become life"
  3. "With mobile, life has become the platform"
  4. "With life, the platform has become mobile"
  5. "With mobile, platform has become the life"
  6. "With the platform, life has become mobile"
The answer can be found in the article: Dave Morin Explains It All

This is how we develop tastes, right? Good luck.

Comming Posts

I'm going to compare HungryGoWhere to Yelp/Singapore. This is a sort of preview/teaser.


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